Dr Lisa Melton


Program Manager

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Lisa Melton is the Program Manager employed by the Melanoma Institute Australia on the Roadmap for a National Targeted Skin Cancer Screening Program, a $7.5M 3.5-year project funded by the Federal Government. Together with the Roadmap Lead, Professor Anne Cust, Lisa is responsible for planning, delivery and reporting for the Program, as well as building and maintaining relationships with key collaborators and stakeholders, including Cancer Australia, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and the Department of Health.

Lisa has a PhD in neuroscience and post-doctoral research experience in neurodegeneration and developmental neurobiology. She has previously been Head of Research at MS Research Australia and Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation, and Institute Manager for the UNSW Ageing Futures Institute and has extensive experience in leading and supporting complex national and international collaborative research programs.

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