
The Daffodil Centre is a joint venture between Cancer Council NSW and the University of Sydney, combining the complementary strengths of the two partners to accelerate progress towards our common goal of a cancer-free future.

The Daffodil Centre is a leading research centre on cancer control and policy – providing timely and relevant evidence to national and international policy-makers to inform best-practice decision-making in cancer control. We are focused on reducing the incidence, morbidity and mortality associated with cancer and on improving the quality of life of people with a cancer diagnosis.

Our research expertise

The core specialist methods of our researchers include: epidemiology and population health research, predictive statistical forecasting and microsimulation modelling, large-scale linked data analysis, systematic review and meta-analysis, biostatistical methods, health economic evaluation, health services research and behavioural and implementation science. 

Our researchers have extensive and expanding collaborations with researchers in other disciplines, including clinicians and basic scientists, both in Australia and internationally.

Community involvement

Involving consumers in research is acknowledged to improve transparency and accountability in research, as well as providing solutions to practical problems in recruitment, dissemination of findings, identifying priorities, and improving acceptance of findings in the community. We embrace the value of community involvement in research, recognising the valuable role consumers have in ensuring research addresses real-world needs and meets consumers’ expectations.

Centre Governance and Leadership

The Daffodil Centre is governed by a joint steering committee, comprising senior executives from Cancer Council NSW and the University of Sydney. 

The Daffodil Centre is led by Professor Anne Cust as interim Director and Associate Professor David Smith as interim Deputy Director.

The Centre’s Research Steering Group and the operational Daffodil Centre Management Group share responsibility for achieving the Centre’s objectives.

Research integrity and ethics

We are committed to research excellence. Our research is conducted in accordance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity which set out key principles and responsibilities for the conduct of research.