Daffodil Day

For all that cancer takes, give hope this Daffodil Day

Daffodil Day: Thursday 25 August 2022 

Today, Cancer Council NSW is urging Australians to give to the Daffodil Day Appeal to fund life-saving cancer research. 

Now in its 36th year, Daffodil Day, helps Cancer Council fund life-saving cancer research to save lives. Cancer Council and its research partners invested more than $290 million in world class cancer research from 2016 to 2020, making the organisation the largest independent funder of cancer research in the country.  

Thanks to investment in cancer research, amazing advances have been made in cancer prevention, screening, early detection and treatment – helping to increase survival rates from 51 per cent in the late 1980s to around 70 per cent. 

With almost one in two Australians diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, Cancer Council NSW chief executive, Professor Sarah Hosking, urged the community to give this Daffodil Day Appeal to fund the country’s best and brightest cancer researchers. 

“The daffodil is the international symbol of hope for everyone impacted by cancer,” Professor Hosking said. 

“Cancer takes so much from all of us, which is why this year, we’re calling on Australians to give hope to those impacted by cancer by funding vital cancer research that is saving lives every day. 

“Every person who donates, fundraises or buys daffodils this August will be helping us to continue investing in life-saving cancer research programs, giving hope for better treatments and early detection and ultimately, giving us hope for a cancer free future.” Professor Hosking concluded. 

Daffodil Centre Director, Professor Karen Canfell, said it was the generosity of donors through fundraising events like Daffodil Day that enabled Cancer Council NSW to have a research centre at a scale that could join with the University of Sydney to create the Daffodil Centre.  

Donate to Daffodil Day Appeal via the website or pick up some fresh daffodils from a local Daffodil Day site near you on Thursday 25 August. 


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