Major award for collaborative paper on obesity and alcohol as cancer risk co-factors

Congratulations to Professor Emmanuel (Manos) Stamatakis from the School of Health Sciences at the Charles Perkins Centre and collaborators for a landmark study published in October last year on the joint effects of body fat and alcohol consumption on cancer risk, which has won the Paper of the Year Award 2022 in the British Journal of Nutrition. 

Daffodil Centre Director, Professor Karen Canfell, said the award was a major achievement and reflected the study’s importance and its publication of new evidence. 

“There is established evidence on cancer risk in relation to obesity and adiposity, and on alcohol and cancer risk, but potential interactions between adiposity and alcohol consumption in relation to cancer risk are not well understood,” Professor Canfell said. 

“The study, led by Manos and an international team, tracked almost 400,000 adults in a UK cohort and presented a range of new findings. These included evidence that cancer risk among the two highest population groups by adiposity was significantly increased if they also consumed alcohol at levels above the UK drinking guidelines, which recommend no more than 14 units of alcohol per week. 

“The study derived a joint alcohol consumption and adiposity marker variable, which will have utility in further tracking patterns in cancer risk and can inform public health policy and practice. 

“It is an outstanding study and well-deserved award, and a collaborative effort involving the Daffodil Centre’s Dr Peter Sarich, who has led a number of major studies on alcohol and cancer risk in Australia. 

“Congratulations to the team on this great result. 


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