Dr Christina Watts is an early career researcher with experience driving policy-relevant mixed-methods research in tobacco control. Her work focuses primarily on issues related to the tobacco industry and associated groups, including current industry efforts to undermine public health policy. As an emerging leader in tobacco control research with previous experience working in public health program development, policy and advocacy, Dr Watts delivers impactful public health research that can translate into population-level policy change.

Dr Watts’ recent research involving key informants from tobacco companies lifted the lid on the full extent of covert marketing activities used to drive tobacco sales in Australia. She has also led research and advocacy on a range of Australian tobacco control policy issues, including the emerging use of e-cigarettes and the oversupply of tobacco through the retail environment.

Dr Watts also actively contributes to student learning at the University of Sydney by tutoring and lecturing on tobacco control across various units of study within the Master of Public Health program.

View academic profile at sydney.edu.au