Timothy Balshaw is a Project Coordinator within the Cervical Cancer and HPV stream at the Daffodil Centre. Tim has a bachelor degree in bio-medical science with a master degree in public health and has a background within both primary healthcare and medical research settings. Tim is an active member of the C4 NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Cervical Cancer Control consortium which is a multi-institutional agreement bringing together Australia’s leaders in HPV vaccination, cervical cancer screening and treatment, and screening registries. Tim’s role at the Daffodil Centre is to co-ordinate research projects that relate specifically to Low-to-Middle Income countries. Tim is also responsible for the coordination of the implementation based, Eliminating Cervical Cancer in the Western Pacific (ECCWP) project, which focuses initially on building capacity in the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu towards the WHO strategy targets of 90% vaccine coverage, 70% of women screened and 90% accessing treatment.

View Timothy Balshaw’s LinkedIn profile here.