Supportive Care and Patient Outcomes

The Supportive Care and Patient Outcomes stream aims to improve the quality of life of people living with cancer, cancer survivors, and their loved ones. Led by Professor Kate White, the stream develops approaches to meet the supportive care needs of cancer patients and their family.

Areas of focus:

Supportive and palliative care

Using specialist advanced practice knowledge and expertise in supportive care in cancer and palliative care, we work with nurses and other health professionals delivering cancer care in primary care settings with the aim of improving the experience and outcomes of individuals impacted by a cancer diagnosis. Research is an integral component of cancer care: delivering evidence-informed clinical care, collaborating with clinicians, and identifying critical clinical research questions. Current and recent projects:

  • Supporting women’s adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy (AET): establishing the evidence base. Sydney Local Health District Cancer and Palliative Care Clinical Trials Infrastructure Support.
  • Transition from acute to primary care for early colorectal cancer survivors: using mixed methods to establish primary care providers opinions and current practices for managing symptoms and functions in the community.
  • Understanding the risk factors for early readmission, clinical vulnerability, unmet needs, and areas for service improvement in postoperative care for colorectal cancer surgery. Sydney Local Health District Cancer and Palliative Care Clinical Trials Infrastructure Support.
Psychosocial and quality of life

We explore psychosocial and quality of life issues in cancer. Supportive care in cancer is an area where cancer and haematology nurses’ contribution have the greatest impact on improving the quality of life for individuals and families. Current and recent projects:

  • Pilot study to characterise sleep disturbances in those receiving steroids for the treatment of multiple myeloma. Sydney Blood Cancer Group Grant.
  • Collaborative project with the Psycho-oncology Co-operative Group (PoCoG) – Empowering the clinician-patient-carer TRIO:RCT of novel online education modules to facilitate effective family carer involvement in oncology. Cancer Australia and Cancer Council NSW.
  • Alison KR,, Truce: Feasibility and acceptability of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based intervention for adolescents and young adults impacted by parental cancer. Jnl Contextual Behavioral Science, 2023; 28:91-101.
  • Kieu V, et. al., Australian fertility preservation guidelines for people with cancer 2022: review and recommendations. Med J Aust, 2022; 217(11):564-569.
Translating research evidence to practice

We establish collaborative approaches to study design and implementation, working with consumers, health clinicians, and non-government organisations, including peak cancer organisations, state and national, national consumer groups, and clinical institutions to translate research evidence into clinical cancer nursing practice and models of care, with an emphasis in rural health. Current and recent Projects:

  • Real-time patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in clinical practice – a novel approach to improving quality of care for patients with upper gastrointestinal cancer. Victorian Cancer Agency Collaborative Research Grants: Improving cancer outcomes for upper gastrointestinal cancer.
  • Improving outcomes for cancer patients who smoke: The Care to Quit stepped wedge randomization trial to implement best-practice cessation care in cancer centres. NHMRC Partnership Projects.
  • A novel implementation of best available evidence into practice for incontinence- associated dermatitis (IMBED). Translational Research Grants Scheme.
  • Personalised care for older people with multiple myeloma. 2022 Sydney Cancer Institute Seed Grant.
  • Identifying referral pathways for a nurse-delivered sexual function and intimacy service for cancer patients. 2022 Cancer Institute NSW Clinical trial Core Funding – SLHD Grant.
  • ‘Optimising Multiple Myeloma Services in NSW through the contribution of Myeloma Advanced Practice Nurses’. Commissioning a White Paper to present the evidence base and inform and guide discussions with key stakeholders in determining models of care and service planning for multiple myeloma. Commissioned by NSW Myeloma Working Group.
  • Wand T, Collett G, Cutten A, Dinh M, Bein K, Green T, Berendsen Russell S, Edwards J, White K. Evaluating an emergency department-based mental health liaison nurse service: A multi-site translational research project. EMA Emergency Medicine Australasia, 2021; 33(1):74-81.
  • Barakat-Johnson M, Lai M, Wand T, Coyer F, White K. Systemwide Practice Change Program to Combat Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries: Translating Knowledge into Practice. Jnl of Nursing Care Quality, 2020; 35(1):51-57

Research Team

Professor Kate White

Professor Kate White

Stream lead, Supportive Care and Patient Outcomes

Jay Balante

PhD Student

Jingjing He

PhD Student

Dr Bora Kim

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Dr Dan Luo

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Associate Professor Claudia Rutherford

Associate Professor

Margaret-Ann Tait

Research Manager/PhD Student

Professor Kate White

Stream lead, Supportive Care and Patient Outcomes

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