Dr Larisa Barnes (PhD, BNat (Hons), BA) is a Research Fellow working through The Daffodil Centre. A member of the Tobacco Behaviour Change and Implementation stream, she is based at the University Centre for Rural Health in Lismore NSW. Larisa works as a researcher and project manager for MOHMQuit: Midwives and Obstetricians Helping Mothers to Quit – a cluster-randomised stepped-wedge trial. MOHMQuit is a health-services, implementation research that aims to improve smoking cessation support in public antenatal clinics and is being trialed across nine sites in NSW. Larisa and the MOHMQuit team are also researching vaping in pregnancy and the postpartum year, and health professionals’ knowledge and perceptions of e-cigarette use and the facilitators and barriers they face in offering vaping cessation support.

View academic profile at sydney.edu.au