The Daffodil Centre
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Professor Megan Passey

Professor Megan Passey (BMed (Hons), MPH, MSc, PhD) is a rurally-based health services researcher who leads the Tobacco Behaviour Change and Implementation stream.

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Tobacco Behaviour Change and Implementation

Smoking is the most important preventable risk factor for ill health in Australia, with over 9% of Australians still smoking. Nearly two in three smokers will die prematurely because of their smoking with the harms associated with smoking inequitably distributed in the population.

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Methmi Perera

Methmi Perera is a Research Assistant working primarily with Prof Anne Cust’s group and providing support to other projects at the Daffodil Centre.

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Caitlin Ward

Caitlin Ward is the Marketing and Communications Manager and works closely with Cancer Council NSW and the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Medicine and Health to communicate the Daffodil Centre’s research to the broader community.

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