Professor Kate White has worked in clinical, education and research areas specialising in cancer and palliative care throughout her career. Kate’s major research interests are in areas of supportive care in cancer and palliative care, psychosocial and quality of life issues in cancer, the translation of research evidence into clinical cancer nursing practice and models of care with an emphasis in rural health. She has conducted a number of studies in these areas and serves on advisory boards, committees and working groups of government and non-government organisations in cancer and palliative care. She participated in the development and implantation of clinical guidelines, and is a member of the International Guideline Network. Kat has supervised over 20 research students to the successful completion of their degrees.

In 2011, Kate was awarded the prestigious Churchill Fellowship to visit the Royal Marsden Hospital in London and the world’s first nurse-led clinic for sexual dysfunction in cancer patients. She is currently working on adapting this model for the Australian context.

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