Professor Michael David obtained his postgraduate qualifications at The University of Melbourne and The University of Queensland (UQ), obtaining a Master of Education and Master of Science at the former, followed by a Master of Biostatistics, a Master of Epidemiology and Doctor of Philosophy at the latter. His doctoral dissertation focused on implementing preventative strategies to minimise the impact of missing data on longitudinal data sets.
He has previously held research and teaching roles at the School of Public Health, UQ and the School of Medicine and Public Health, The University of Newcastle. More recently, and whilst an Adjunct Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology with the School of Medicine and Dentistry, Griffith University, he has also been a statistical consultant on several research projects with Queensland Health. His contribution has ranged from advice on standard statistical approaches to applying novel methods to improve the statistical analysis and assess the economic viability of new treatments.
In addition to his multidisciplinary training, he also has substantial experience in collaborating with colleagues across various types of health research, including clinical cancer research. These collaborations have resulted in more than 140 conference and research papers. Several of these collaborations, in which he has been a chief investigator, have received competitive funding through initiatives such as the New South Wales Translational Grants scheme and the Medical Research Futures Fund.