Dr Susan Yuill (MB BS, MMed(ClinEpi), DipPaed, FRACGP) works as a Systematic Review Specialist in the Research Methods stream and is a PhD candidate within the Cervical Cancer and HPV stream. Susan studied medicine at the University of Sydney and worked in General Practice with an interest in women’s health and paediatrics. She has completed a Master of Medicine in Clinical Epidemiology (with merit) and is currently undertaking a PhD at the School of Public Health, the University of Sydney.

In her role as a Systematic Review Specialist, Susan has contributed to scoping and systematic reviews across multiple cancers. She has a particular interest in diagnostic accuracy systematic reviews and is working with international collaborators on a review of the accuracy of triage tests in women who are positive on HPV screening tests. The reviews she has contributed to have been used to inform modelling, and national and international clinical guidelines, including the revised National Cancer Screening Program guidelines and WHO cervical screening guidelines.

In her PhD, Susan is examining the potential benefits of HPV vaccination in the prevention of adverse pregnancy outcomes in Australia, as well as cervical screening participation in NSW women giving birth and in those 45 years and over. This research involves the analysis of large, linked, routinely collected health data sets, as well as the 45 and Up Study.