Dr Salam is an epidemiologist and biostatistician by training with a background in Nursing. She completed her PhD from the University of Adelaide in 2019. Her research interests include evidence synthesis and translation, and its policy implications. She has over a 100 international peer-reviewed publications and book chapters to her credit mainly around assessing the effectiveness of various public health interventions.

Over the past decade, she has been actively involved in conducting multiple systematic reviews and meta-analyses in collaboration with various academic institutions, government entities and commissioning agencies. She has also contributed as a technical expert for the World Health Organization (WHO)s’ taskforce for influenza vaccination during pregnancy; preventive chemotherapy for deworming in high-risk groups; and evidence mapping of interventions for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health.

Her role currently involves contributing to the systematic review team for updating evidence for guidelines and assisting implementation of predictive model of response to immunotherapies and risk prediction tools for melanoma.