Our people
The core specialist methods of our researchers include: epidemiology and population health research, predictive statistical forecasting and microsimulation modelling, large-scale linked data analysis, systematic review and meta-analysis, biostatistical methods, health economic evaluation, health services research and behavioural and implementation science.
Our researchers have extensive and expanding collaborations with researchers in other disciplines, including clinicians and basic scientists, both in Australia and internationally.

Professor Anne Cust
Interim Director, the Daffodil Centre; Stream lead, Melanoma and Skin Cancer

Associate Professor David Smith
Interim Deputy Director, the Daffodil Centre; Stream lead, Prostate Cancer

Dr Asres Bedaso Tilahune
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Associate Professor Michael Caruana
Stream lead, Mathematical Modelling

Professor Anna DeFazio AM
Stream co-lead, Ovarian Cancer; Sydney West Chair in Translational Cancer Research, University of Sydney, Westmead Clinical School; Department of Gynaecological Oncology, Westmead Hospital, The Westmead Institute for Medical Research

Associate Professor Eleonora Feletto
Stream lead, Gastrointestinal Cancers Policy and Evaluation

Professor Nehmat Houssami
Stream lead, Breast cancer clinical and population health

Professor Alexandra Martiniuk
Professor of Epidemiology

Associate Professor Carolyn Nickson
Stream lead, Breast Cancer Policy and Evaluation

Professor Megan Passey
Professor of Rural Health; Stream lead, Tobacco Behaviour Change and Implementation

Associate Professor Alison Pearce
Stream Lead, Health Economics

Gabriela Pinto-Lane
Interim Operations Manager, the Daffodil Centre; Program Support Manager

Gillian Reyes-Marcelino
PhD Candidate and Research Assistant

Associate Professor Claudia Rutherford
Associate Professor

Associate Professor Kate Simms
Senior Research Fellow; Stream co-lead, Cervical Cancer and HPV

Dr Anna Singleton
NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow and Senior Research Fellow

Associate Professor Megan Smith
Principal Research Fellow; Steam co-lead, Cervical Cancer and HPV

Associate Professor Ben Smith
Senior Implementation Scientist; Stream lead, Triple I (Innovation-Implementation-Impact)

Associate Professor Julia Steinberg
Stream lead, Genomics and Precision Health

Dr Louiza S Velentzis
Senior Research Fellow; Stream co-lead, Breast Cancer Policy and Evaluation

Associate Professor Marianne Weber
Stream lead, Lung Cancer Policy and Evaluation

Professor Kate White
Stream lead, Supportive Care and Patient Outcomes